Do Thu Trang

Trang manages the tech community at Heureka. She likes to work with texts and connects technology with creativity. She loves pho soup, dancing, and people who don’t take themselves too seriously.

Author's posts

Case Study Datasentics: Search query understanding use cases

Case Study Datasentics: Search query understanding use cases

Search in eCommerce websites is one of the most important factors determining whether customers…

It’s our job to refine and extract as much value as we can from what we get from our customers

It’s our job to refine and extract as much value as we can from what we get from our customers

How does machine learning influence e‑commerce and online shopping? Meet Miha Jenko, an experienced…

<HeurekaDevs People> We Oversee Payments, Accounting, and Invoicing for 55,000 Eshops within Heureka Group

<HeurekaDevs People> We Oversee Payments, Accounting, and Invoicing for 55,000 Eshops within Heureka Group

Jan Herbrich (22) recently became the youngest Product Head of Tribe in Heureka Group. In his…

Jon Moore: Focus on problem solving, not features

Jon Moore: Focus on problem solving, not features

Heureka Group’s product development stakeholders recently attended an eye-opening workshop…

Aha Moments from the Public Cloud Meetup

Aha Moments from the Public Cloud Meetup

At the end of August, we organized a #HeurekaDevsMeetup covering the public cloud, partially…

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